Dr Shane Martin is now a Reader in Politics at University of Leicester: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/politics/people/dr-shane-martin
Dr Shane Martin is recognised as a leading expert on parliamentary institutions. He was previously a Director of the Centre for International Studies at Dublin City University where he also taught courses on comparative politics and research methodology. Prior to coming to DCU, he taught at the University of California, San Diego and the Pennsylvania State University and held a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Parliaments and was Co-Director of the European Summer School on Parliaments (Bamberg 2010 and Lisbon 2012).
His research focuses on representation, the behaviour of parliamentarians and legislative institutions. Current research projects include a book-length study of the Northern Ireland Assembly from the perspective of consensus politics and a study of minority representation in the British House of Commons. Recent research by him has been published in a number of leading international peer-review journals inclouding Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, The Journal of Legislative Studies, Political Studies, West European Politics and Politics and Religion. He is co-editor (with Kaare Strøm and Thomas Saalfeld) of the Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies, to be published in 2013. He is a member of the Editorial Board ofIrish Political Studies (2011-) and Legislative Studies Quarterly (2012-15).