DCU launches MSc degree in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society

DCU Faculty of Humanities  has launched an innovative new Master’s programme on Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society commencing September 2018. Applications for the MSc Climate Change can be made through this link

Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. It is hugely complex and requires a broad range of responses from many sectors of society. We currently lack many of the appropriate policies, institutions, and societal responses.

DCU’s MSc. in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society interrogates how societies are responding to climate change, and how that response can be strengthened. It examines the roles played by politics, regulation, law, education and the media in creating the broad societal response demanded by climate change.

This pioneering programme will equip students with critical insights and analytical skills to enable them to play a part in shaping the transition to a decarbonised and climate resilient future. Most postgraduate courses focused on climate change are concerned with the science of climate change. DCU’s new MSc in Climate Change: Policy, Media & Society is unique in Ireland in its focus on the social sciences and humanities, on media, policy, law, governance, regulation and politics.

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