Forced to Flee: Conflict in Syria and the Movement of People

DCU’s Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) and Trócaire hosted a one-day conference on the conflict in Syria, the displacement of people and the resulting humanitarian crisis.

It took place in DCU on Wednesday 18th November 2015. The event was streamed live, and the presentations are available to be viewed as a playlist on the IICRR’s YouTube channel.

The programme is available here. Speakers included:

  • Salam Kawakibi (Arab Reform Initiative)
  • Paola Rivetti (DCU Middle East specialist)
  • Boldizsár Nagy (Central European University)
  • Réiseal Ni Chéilleachair (Trócaire)
  • Gillian Wylie (Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin)
  • Julian Waagensen (Trócaire)
  • Walt Kilroy (IICRR, DCU)
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