Dr Rory Finegan is a serving Officer in the Irish Defence Forces who since attaining his PhD in Terrorism Studies continues to lecture in the Irish Defence Forces Military College in Defence Studies and Conflict Resolution/Peace Studies. He has served overseas on three separate tours with the United Nations in the Middle East. He was Chief Instructor for a number of years with the United Nations Training School Ireland (UNTSI), one of the four School that incorporate the Military College. In the last seven years he delivered a Module on Peacekeeping & Peacemaking Interventions at the School of Law & Government in DCU. He has written a number of papers since graduation in 2014 including two scheduled for publication for Routledge in 2016, one on The British Security Resposne to PIRA during the course of the Troubles in a compendium edited by Dr. John Morrison of UEL and another on Targeted Killings (TKs) with Professor Andrew Silke also of UEL. He is also co-authoring with Dr. Owen Foley of GMIT a hybrid qualitative/quantitative study of his original PhD thesis on the use of TKs as implemented against PIRA during the Northern Ireland Conflict.