Politics of Central Asia and the Caucasus; Post-Soviet Space
Background & Qualification
Giorgio Comai completed his PhD at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University in September 2017. MA in East European Studies and degree in Political Science from the University of Bologna. Exchange student at Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland, and Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, Russia. From 2009 to 2013, he was regional editor and researcher at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso. He has carried out research for the Institute for Central-Eastern and Balkan Europe of Bologna University. He is member of the board of directors of Asiac, Italy’s academic association for the study of Central Asia and the Caucasus. His research has focused on youth policies in Russia and on de facto states in the post-Soviet space.
Doctoral Research
Beyond recognition. The foreign policies and external relations of de facto states in the post-Soviet space
Contact Details
Selected Publications:
- Ó Beacháin, Donnacha, Giorgio Comai and Ann Tsurtsumia-Zurabashvili (2016), “The secret lives of unrecognised states: Internal dynamics, external relations, and counter-recognition strategies.” Small Wars & Insurgencies 27(3):440-466
- Comai, Giorgio, and Bernardo Venturi (2015), “Language and Education Laws in Multi-Ethnic de Facto States: The Cases of Abkhazia and Transnistria.” Nationalities Papers 43 (6): 886–905. doi:10.1080/00905992.2015.1082996.
- Comai, Giorgio (2015), “Post-Soviet de Facto States Online.” In Digital Eastern Europe, edited by William Schreiber and Marcin Kosienkowski. Wrocław: KEW.
- Comai Giorgio (2014), “L’Abkhazia dipende da Mosca, suo malgrado”, in Limes – Rivista italiana di geopolitica, n. 2, pp. 197–202.
- Comai Giorgio (2013), “Sovereignty Conflicts and Minority Protection: the Case of Abkhazia” in Self-determination and sovereignty in Europe, Angelo Longo, Ravenna. [ISBN 9788880637608]
- Comai Giorgio (2012), “Youth Camps in Post-Soviet Russia and the Northern Caucasus: The Cases of Seliger and Mashuk 2010”, Anthropology of East Europe Review 30, N. 1, pp. 184–212. [ISSN 1054-4720]
- Comai Giorgio (2011), “Russia”, in Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica – Annuario politico-economico 2010, Il Mulino, Bologna [ISBN 9788815150264]
- Comai Giorgio (2011), Politiche giovanili e campi patriottici in Caucaso del nord. Il caso di Mašuk, OBC Occasional Papers, dicembre 2011.
- Comai Giorgio (2011). “Prefazione” in Lorusso, M., Georgia, vent’anni dopo l’URSS, Aracne Editrice, Roma. [ISBN 9788854844667]
- Comai Giorgio (2010), “Il conflitto russo-georgiano in Ossezia del Sud”, in Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica – Annuario politico-economico 2009, Il Mulino, Bologna. [ISBN 9788815138002]
- Comai Giorgio and Bernardo Venturi (2010), “Introduzione”, in Fassino Gughi, Transnistria, Silvy Edizioni, Trento. [ISBN 9788890497506]
- “Bielorussia” and “Il biennio Kaczyński”, in Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica. Annuario politico-economico. 2008, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010 [ISBN 9788815130938]