Pictures from IICRR Conference on Ukraine

The conference “Ukraine: one year after Maidan”, was organised on 12 February by DCU’s Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) to mark the anniversary of the wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine to demand closer integration with Europe.  The conference coincided with the emergency peace summit of international leaders, Presidents Putin (Russia) and Poroshenko (Ukraine) along with Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande, which brokered a ceasefire to hostilities. The event attracted a big audience and impressive media coverage. The speakers included: Aleksander Kwaśniewski, President of Poland 1995-2005 and until November 2013, European Parliament special envoy to Ukraine; Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy (2010 – 2014); Andriy Shevchenko, Ukrainian MP (2006 – 2014) and Maidan activist; Sergey Markedonov, Associate Professor Russian State University for the Humanities and Thornike Gordadze, former Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia.

The pictures from this event can be viewed HERE (photographs by Roxana Todea) and HERE (photographs by

The pictures from the lecture by President Aleksander Kwaśniewski “New Global Challenges: What is the Future for Europe?” can be viewed HERE (photographs by Roxana Todea)

Videos of the presentations can be seen on the IICRR’s YouTube channel here.

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